Christian Nation

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Watching how people act or react to events and situations may not give you all the clues as to what their faith may be but does give you an idea of what they value. Some lately have established and set in stone their belief that parents have a constitutional right to raise nuture protect and support their children and that it is a fundemental human right. These people will not allow someone else to claim the authority and usurp their right to determine what is right for their children, a right inalienable, and for some a right and authority given them by God. They refuse to allow and interlocutor to stand between them and God and be forced to answer to them and not to the God of their faith and to have to give up the authority to love and nurture their children and to give up the very sanctity of their homes and the peace and security that sanctity gives. For others the value of the individual right freedom and autonomy of themselves and their bodies is sacrosont of what it means to be human and an individual, one among equals. For others it is the primacy of conscience canonized five centuries or so ago for ever and always by their saints within and through their faith. Modern day is the Gospel or sunday school 101. You have a personal relationship to God and you answer to Him and only Him through your faith your conscience and only He has the right and authority to judge you. It’s amazing how some under the guise of faith mock and despise that Gospel and undercut it’s very meaning. I can’t claim to know the French well enough to question their motives but I also can’t question their statement and accomplishment. In these United States I can question both. (On white christian nationalism. Oxymoron if I ever heard one. The Bible is written to and for all people everywhere. They take a book not written by to or for them, except genericlly, so a book not written to, by or for them and use it to claim white destiny. That may not be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard but it’s got to be right there with it. Anybody who accepts and believes in the book is your brother. Anyone who says the book says otherwise is not biblical nor Christian within it.)

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